(Note: Here’s the rest of the Hungry Ghosts short story from two weeks ago!
If you missed reading the first half two weeks ago, go here and read it now!
Okay, so now, here’s the conclusion (read below)! )
“I tried to see Tokubei, but he was off inspecting his lands and attending to business,” said Eisai-sama. “So I asked to see Osono. I was told that she would not see me. So, I asked to see her father, a man named Mosaku. I was led to his quarters… I was surprised to see prayer sutras all over his room… and he looked scared of something. When he found out that I was a monk and that I had seen a face in the well water, he begged me to say prayers over the well. I did so…”
“It didn’t work,” I guessed, although since I knew the well was still haunted, it was a pretty easy guess.