Books (and other works)

Prose Novels

Wickerman Studios - song to the siren

Song to the Siren

Wickerman studios - the talking cure

The Talking Cure (Book 1)

Hungry Ghosts (Prose Novel)

Graphic Novels

Wickerman Studios - Hungry Ghosts - Graphic Novel

Hungry Ghosts

(Graphic Novel)

Wickerman Studios - Gun Street Girl - Volume 1

Gun Street Girl

Games and Game Accessories

Hi– Park here. And sure, Barb and I write prose novels and graphic novels, but I myself have also just recently started writing ttrpg (table-top role-playing-game) stuff, too. I’ve just put my first thing on the website, with other projects to come. I’m not asking for money for it– I just wanted to put it out there.

My first project is a light little game called MEMOS AND MONSTERS– a game about a fantasy apocalypse that was averted with a Wish spell… that turned the whole world into an office comedy.

Heyyy… Park here again, with my second RPG project– Multiclass: The RPG System! is a very, very simple classless system for fantasy role-playing. If you want, you can have a sword-slinging thief that can cast a spell or two and heal, and it actually doesn’t break the game at all, because it’s designed for exactly that! (You might not think it’d work, probably, but in playtesting, it has actually seemed to work just fine!) When you’ve only got a GM and 1, 2, or 3 players, Multiclass: The RPG System! can also be handy for helping players fill in the “party role gaps” that a module your GM is converting over from some other system might have…

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