We’re back, with another installment of our feature Anatomy of a Scene, in which we take a deeper dive into a scene, this time once again from the classic gothic television daytime soap opera Dark Shadows, 1966-1971.
Okay so remember our first Anatomy of a Scene? The talk that didn’t go well between Angelique and Barnabas in Barnabas’ bedroom? Well Angelique has gotten RIGHT TO WORK and has acquired one of Barnabas’ handkerchiefs and a toy wooden soldier that was his when he was a boy, and she is contemplating some voodoo revenge magic for Barnabas (but the audience doesn’t officially know yet that Angelique can do magic, so let’s try not to get ahead of ourselves!)…
She’s talking to her new little inanimate friends… ending with the line:
Angelique: You are all I need… to make him regret what he’s done to me…
And then… seven rapid knocks at her door. (Which happens to be noticeably green, by the way. Green door, what’s that secret you’re keeping?)
And then, with the seven rapid knocks… the soundtrack music stops. It was this low-horns-and-drums heavy thing, like an advancing army on the march, coming closer and closer… but now it just stops.
Angelique: Just a minute…
She puts her new little friends in a dresser drawer. Then she opens her green door.
Barnabas: May I come in, Angelique?
Notice her green door has a bolt lock on it. Well, why? So the lady servants can feel safe in their room without the potential threat of the gentry walking in and bothering them, that’s why—although then again, Barnabas’ father might have had it installed because we’ve got Ben Stokes, a dirty lowborn prisoner working off his sentence, on the premises. Of course, Ben was charged with “ransacking” a farmhouse, because he was returning from the war and was starving and freezing– not with bothering ladies– but Barnabas’ father wouldn’t put anything past Ben, I’m sure.
Anyway. Angelique’s mouth moves a bit at Barnabas’ request, but she doesn’t seem to actually say anything, she just sort of stands aside and makes it clear that she’s allowing him to enter. (A comment from Barb made me think about this, and it helped me to put my finger on something that was bothering me… we just saw Angelique come to Barnabas’ room. Now the tables are turned. NEITHER of them actually said words to the other that gave them permission to walk in. Angelique just did a little end-run around Barnabas, and then Angelique just stepped aside and allowed Barnabas to decide if he wanted to enter into her territory. I just can’t help but think it’s interesting since one day, EACH of these characters will be a vampire, which is a thing known for needing explicit permission to enter someone’s dwelling-place.)
Also, Barnabas is wearing a little thing, attached low to his shirt, right above the level of his belt, a little above the right side of his upper hip-pelvic-bone area. You can see it dangle a bit noticeably as he walks in. My research suggests it’s for keeping a seal, for sealing envelopes with your personal symbol or sign, in case you don’t have a signet ring handy.
Angelique: Aren’t you afraid someone might see you in the servants’ quarters?
There. That’s the first thing she says to him since he got here, and look what’s on her mind—it’s about the class difference between them—and how interested he’s been in perpetuating the illusion that they haven’t already slept together back in Martinique, though they did, and it’s also a bit of a riff on her talking about “his pride” in their last private conversation—he’s apparently got something to say to her now so much that it’s overcome his pride.
Barnabas: I came here to tell you I’m sorry about what happened last night. I see no reason why we can’t be good friends.
Angelique: Merely good friends?
There’s danger in her tone, but also smiling, but it’s a nigh-hysterical smile. What she’s hearing is, in her opinion, clearly absurd.
Barnabas: Anything else would be quite out of the question. You can see that, can’t you?
Angelique: I can only see one thing, Barnabas.
And the soundtrack starts up, again, but this time it’s just a generally dramatic thing, not the marching-army vibe from before.
She moves into his personal space.
Barnabas: A-and what is that…?
She puts her arms around his neck…
Angelique: The real reason you came here…
Barnabas: Angelique…
Angelique: You didn’t come here just to tell me you wanted to be friends…
Barnabas: Y-yes I did–
Angelique: No, no my darling, you could have told me that anywhere else in the house… you didn’t have to come to my room to do it…!
Her tentacle-like grip around his neck increases…
Angelique: But you DID come… oh and I’m very glad…!
Barnabas: Angelique, listen to me…
Angelique: You cannot resist me, Barnabas, just as I cannot resist you.
Barnabas: You don’t understand now, any more than you did last night.
Angelique: Oh, yes I do understand. Our destiny was sealed those nights in Martinique. You haven’t forgotten those nights, have you?
Barnabas: I will never forget them.
Angelique: Nor will I. What we meant to each other those nights… that is the only reality…
She looks especially intensely into his eyes, and speaks with extra-extra intensity:
Angelique: You understand…? The only reality…!
There’s a lot to say about this concept– in connection with the previous speech about the ROLES Barnabas and Angelique seem fated to play in family and society, versus who they REALLY are, deep down.
But there’s no time for that now, because now it’s BOOOM KISSY TIME, and his lips swoop down on hers FIRST, readers…
Angelique: Mmph…!
But then:
Barnabas: –No Angelique…
And he pulls away, and walks over by the window– and the soundtrack fades out! There is NO SOUNDTRACK over the next part for a little while. He has pulled away from her so hard he’s even interrupted the soundtrack!
Angelique: I told you you cannot resist me!
She follows him over to that corner of the room, grabbing onto a slightly-phallic thin bedpost (with both hands) as she goes.
Barnabas: –Yes I can and I will!
Angelique: You didn’t just now!
Barnabas: I admit you’re difficult to resist– but I lost control of myself for a moment, I’m sorry…
Angelique: You didn’t lose control of yourself…
She moves in again, puttin’ her hands on his chest and behind his head–
Angelique: –You let me do what you wanted me to do!
Barnabas: …Very well then, perhaps you’re right… So in the future, it’ll be best if we don’t see each other alone… ANYwhere…
Barb says: “Hold on, look! He admits she’s right! A man who is about to get married to another woman should NOT be admitting this gorgeous blonde is RIGHT about something like that statement! You should NOT be engaged to Josette when you’re this in lust with someone else! I’m not saying this proves he’s in love with Angelique necessarily, but when he’s even this much in lust with her, trouble’s a’brewin!”
Angelique: When two people are in love… nothing can prevent them from being drawn to one another…
Barnabas: I will not be drawn to you…! Do you understand…?!
His voice is just about breaking!
And you’ll notice he didn’t deny loving her!
And it’s really funny that we’re using the word “drawn” in that way, because on top of being vampires, one day each of these characters will also be oil paintings! (You need oil paintings of yourself when you’re a vampire, because you sure can’t get up and look in a mirror every morning…)
Barnabas: I’m going to marry Josette, because I love her… and any relationship with you would– be quite– wrong…
He moves her hands off him… but these are NOT things he does and words he says easily…! Honestly, at this point, he sounds like he’s an inch away from crying.
Angelique: …You only THINK you love Josette…!
Barnabas: Stop making this so difficult for me…!
AND ANGELIQUE’S WITCHY THEME STARTS UP. It’s like when Samantha Stevens is trying to cast a spell to take her to a midnight meeting of the Witches’ Cotillion, but even spookier than that. Barnabas has just stepped in it up to his eyebrows. Voodoo punishment is suddenly BACK ON THE TABLE.

Angelique: So… so… all those SWEET words you said to me in Martinique… they all meant nothing, is that what you’re trying to tell me…?!
Barnabas: –They meant something then, but– ONLY then.
Angelique: It was an EXPERIENCE of the MOMENT, and nothing more…!
Barnabas: Angelique, don’t THINK of it that way…!
Angelique:…You have given me no choice…
Suddenly she’s staring straight ahead, basically at the fourth wall, although not quite directly into the camera.
Angelique: …And now… I would appreciate it if you would leave my room…! I would like to be alone…!
Barnabas: May we still be friends…?
Angelique: …I will always be much closer to you than you think…
He stares silently at her on that one, because what do you even say to a line like that?
Angelique: Good day, Barnabas…
Angelique over here inventing the I SAID GOOD DAY meme 4 years before Gene Wilder said it in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory…
She’s starting to almost hyperventilate, smiling, breathing hard, still looking at the fourth wall…
He walks to the door… opens it… turns and looks back at her… She looks at him now… his look is honestly a little afraid, just as he’s been a little afraid of her this entire scene… and he doesn’t even know yet that she can do black magic.
And then he leaves, closing the door behind him. In his haste, he almost slams it.
Witchy soundtrack stops.
She goes and LOCKS the green door, hurriedly.
Then she turns her back to it and looks at the drawer where she put the toy soldier and the handkerchief. Her eyes are wide. Her pupils might be a little dilated. She’s doing that breathing thing. She is HIGH ON REVENGE.
She walks across the room toward her implements of punishment. Her mouth is doing that thing again where it’s moving but no actual words are coming out.
She takes one deep, suddenly-almost-gasping breath and slides the drawer open.
She takes up her little voodoo revenge props, and gets ready to choke a dude through sympathetic magic…
But then…
Angelique: …No… no… it would be foolish to do it now…
She’s right, but she looks at least a little mad. Not grrr mad but there is no sky mad. …Okay both.
Angelique: I will wait until Josette arrives… It will be wrong if she were not here to see Barnabas suffer…
Okay actually her pupils ARE dilated now, wow. That shouldn’t even be possible, there are at least four bright arclights on this actress right now, at least one or two right on her face.
She walks over the to bed… Grabs that same slightly phallic bedpost with both hands… slowly lowers herself down to the bed… and stares at the soldier and hanky. Staring. Waiting.
Musical sting—time for a word from our sponsor.
BARB SAYS: Okay, here is something I was thinking about. We assume that if Angelique hadn’t been there, that Barnabas and Josette would just get married and live happily ever after. But would they? Think about it: Josette is used to her warm island nation. Her friends and family are going to be far, far away after the wedding. And Barnabas, in some ways, acts just like his cold, unemotional father, Joshua. I could see a day, if Angelique hadn’t gotten between Barnabas and Josette getting married, then Josette could get depressed and start drinking heavily like Barnabas’ mother.
PARK SAYS: Well after all, that’s what Barnabas told Vicki and Carolyn happened to Josette early on, after Barnabas first showed up on the show—Josette was the lonely French émigré who was sad and neglected in Collinsport to hear him tell it at that time…
BARB: I’m just saying, it could be a good idea for a piece of fan fiction! Not by me, I mean, but somebody. If anyone wants it—take it, it’s yours.
BARB: I’m not saying that Josette and Barnabas aren’t infatuated with each other. I do think that. Josette is a coquettish gal, very charming, dressed to the nines, all silks, velvet, and curls.
PARK: She’s Katrina Van Tassel’s much nicer sister, Kathryn Leigh Scott Van Tassel.
BARB: Josette probably smells like expensive perfume, too. If these two had been given the time to fall in love, I think that they might very well have really done so. BUT, they were not given the time to speak privately in person in the way Barnabas and Angelique were. Hell, while they are attracted to each other, they may never even be sexually compatible. If I had Barnabas and Josette and Angelique on The Newlywed Game—
PARK: —Or even The New Newlywed Game—
BARB: —then I feel that Barnabas and Josette would lose, but I bet you that maybe Barnabas and Angelique might win, because they have spent more time together!
PARK: Well they’ll sure ace all the naughty questions about behavior in bed…
BARB: I mean… Angelique may be crazy, but is she totally wrong?
Barnabas is treated by his father, Joshua, as if his uncle, Jeremiah, is the eldest son and Barnabas is the youngest son, even though Jeremiah was really just Joshua’s younger brother. Barnabas wants his father’s approval.
So, like in Jane Eyre with the backstory of Mr. Rochester, I suspect that Joshua sent Barnabas down to Martinique for a business-arrangement marriage. Come on– Joshua has a fleet of ships– Josette’s father has a sugar plantation. That’s goods and shipping right there. And, as a side note, I’m sure that Joshua, the guy who is so proud of fighting to get America its freedom, doesn’t give a shit that sugar plantations have black slaves whose life expectancy is hardly anything, if slaves from Haiti are to judge by.
So, Barnabas goes down there. How much actual time did he spend with Josette? Did he have any alone time with her? Probably not. So, Barnabas’s love is the love that happens in a Jane Austen novel, where people fall in love without knowing each other.
Here’s where I agree with Angelique: Barnabas spent a hell of a lot more time with her than he did with Josette. He and Angelique talked, and they made love. Barnabas was away from his father’s dictatorial parenting style. So, he had an opportunity to experience who he was away from his father. AND, even though Barnabas was supposed to JUST be courting Josette, he most likely spent a ton of time with Angelique, where she could be herself for once in her life and he could be himself for once in his life.
But Barnabas, getting engaged to Josette, may have gotten his father’s approval for maybe the first time in his life.
Joshua’s going to give the newlyweds the Old House, he’s so pleased with the (possibly) semi-arranged marriage.
Angelique’s not totally wrong when she says that Barnabas only thinks he loves Josette. I mean, Barnabas only knew that Josette loved him via a letter? Josette didn’t show Barnabas through body language or the look in her eyes that she was falling in love? Really? They fell in love via the (very slow in those days) post! The mail system between two different countries, with an ocean in between, in the age of sailing ships! We know that Barnabas is capable of saying very charming words, but isn’t it possible that Josette fell in love with the man in the letters instead of the man in the flesh?
And, if it’s true that Barnabas was only his true self in Martinque, then he’s not only betraying a woman he cannot say he does not love (sorry, double negative), he’s also betraying his freedom to be someone other than his father’s minion and collateral for a profitable business deal.
While I admit that Angelique during the second meeting is all over Barnabas like lint on a cheap suit, Barnabas is the one who dives in for that kiss. He is passionate with Angelique like that just a few hours before his fiancée is due to arrive? Barnabas, take this as friendly advice: you are not ready to be married!
And, Angelique is also right about Barnabas choosing to talk to Angelique IN HER ROOM. I mean, golly, if I knew that someone, whenever they saw me in private, tended to throw their arms around me and say they loved me, and I DIDN’T want that, I’d stay the hell out of their room, wouldn’t I?
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